Happy Oak Farms

Home to Nigerian Dwarf Goats in Central Michigan

Our ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf Goat Does


She is extremely friendly and will follow our kids around the pasture hoping for some pets. She is outgoing and brave and often leads the charge.


She is the smallest doe on the farm and is also very friendly with everyone. She is best buds with her Livestock Guardian Dogs (Andi and Boris). She is a white and tan doe with blue eyes. She is known for consistently having the calmest babies.

Nymphadora (Tonks)

Tonks is our big momma. As a first time mom she gave birth to quads and gives birth to 4-5 every year. She enjoys back scratches and makes sure to come running in when we visit the pasture. She loves eating daisies in spring!

Tonks 1st freshening 1 week post birth. She now consistently supports 3-4 kids on the farm.


Luna is a petite goat, but has no trouble giving birth and taking care of her kids. She is friendly and has a great temperament. She is out of Albus x Minerva.


Hermione has a solid frame that does well kidding. She has a strong topline and good udder development. This year (2024) was her first kidding season and she is doing well being a mother. She is out of Albus x Minerva.


Ginny is a brown eyed tri-colored doe that gives birth to colorful and calm babies. She is the “mother” on the farm, always nice to other babies, even those that arent hers. She is out of Albus x Tonks.

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